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C Program Circular queue using array

/*******************************/ #include #include #define MAX 5 void insert(int); int del(); void display(); int cqueue[MAX]; int front=-1; int rear=-1; main() { int choice, num; while(1) { printf("nEnter your choicen"); printf("1. Insertn");…

Circular queue using array

In a simple queue when the Rear reaches the last position or if Rear is equal to MAX-1 then insertion is not possible. See the above two images in the…

C program to implement queue using array

/*************** BY Marxtudor ***************/ #include #define MAX 5 void insert(int); int del(); void display(); int queue[MAX]; int front=-1; int rear=-1; main() { int choice, num; while(1) { printf("nEnter your…

Queue using array program blueprint

Declare an array to implement queue int queue[MAX]                (MAX is the size of the array / queue) Declare and initialize front and rear to -1 int front = -1;…

Queue using array

Queue is a linear data structure in which elements can be inserted only from the rear end of the queue and can be deleted only from the front end of…

C Program to implement stack using array

/*************** BY Marxtudor ***************/ #include #define MAX 5 void push(int); int pop(); void display(); int top = -1; int stk[MAX]; main() { int choice; int num; while(1) { printf("nEnter…

Stack using array Program blueprint

Declare array to implement stack: int stk[MAX];                  | MAX is the size of the stackDeclare and Initialize top: int top = -1;      Stack should initially be empty and if …

Stack using array

Stack is a linear data structure in which elements can be inserted and deleted only from the top of the stack. Stack can be implemented by using: Array Linked List…

Stack implementation using array- video

 What is a Stack and does it work C program to implement stack using array Creating the Main Function Inserting elements into the stack Deleting elements form the stack Displaying…

What is Data Structure

You will learn: What is abstract data type What is data structure Different abstract data types What is linear and non-linear data structure Watch on youtube

What is data structure ?

To understand data structure first you need to know what are abstract data types. Some of  the abstract data types are stack, queue, link list, tree etc. Abstract data types…
alert('dsf'); console.log("dsdsdsd");